Parse INI files using the Windows API.
You can also:
- Check if a key exists
- Delete keys
- Delete sections
- Get all sections
To add:
Get all sections (into array)
Feel free to use this in any personal projects without attribution
Usage and examples
Creates a new INI file in your current dir named after the executing assembly
var MyIni = new IniFile();
Creates an ini file in current dir with specified name
var MyIni = new IniFile("settings.ini");
Creates a new ini file in specified directory
var MyIni = new IniFile(@"C:\settings.ini");
Easy start
MyIni.Write("Key", "Value", "Section (optional)");
MyIni.Read("Key", "Section (only state if it's not default one)");
Writing to an INI file:
Writing to file with default section (name of executable)
MyIni.Write("DefaultValue", "40");
MyIni.Write("userName", "admin");
Creates a file like this:
Writing to file with specified section
MyIni.Write("DefaultValue", "40", "VALUES");
MyIni.Write("userName", "admin", "USER");
Creates a file like this:
Reading from INI file:
Can explicitly state variable type or use var instead
string DefaultValue = MyIni.Read("DefaultValue");
int DefaultValue = Convert.ToInt32(MyIni.Read("DefaultValue"));
string username = MyIni.Read("userName");
string[] allSections = MyINI.GetSectionNames();
Checking if key exists
Easy start
bool keyExist = MyIni.KeyExists("Key", "Section (only state if it's not default one)");
if(!MyIni.KeyExists("DefaultValue", "VALUES"))
MyIni.Write("DefaultValue", "40", "VALUES");
Deleting keys and sections:
MyIni.DeleteKey("DefaultValue", "VALUES");